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Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

( Definition Bid'ah ) Bid’ah Dhala

" (definition bid'ah) bid’ah dhala "

clear that they who has aversed bid’ah hasanah this belong in group

bid’ah dhala,  and bid’ah dhala this is many the kinds, like penafian sunnah, denial

friend pronunciation, opinion denial khulafa’urrasyidin. several denial

on new matter during that is good and not break sharia, because this matter permitted

by apostle may allah bless him and give him peace and done by khulafa’urrasyidin,  and apostle may allah bless him and give him peace clear – clear

will tell that will appear many differences, hold on to sunnah and sunnah

khulafa’urrasyidin. how sunnah apostle may allah bless him and give him peace? , he is may allah bless him and give him peace permit bid’ah hasanah,

how sunnah khulafa’urrasyidin? , they do bid’ah hasanah, so repellent

on this matter is bid’ah dhala, matter that warned by apostle may allah bless him and give him peace.

when do we menafi (nullify) existence bid’ah hasanah, so we menafi and

membid’ah book alqur’an and book hadits that be religion main teachings pilot

islam because second book (alqur’an and hadits) there is no command rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace

to book it in one book masing - masing, but that thing be

ijma’ or opinion agreement friends radhiyallahu’anhum and this matter is done

after rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace pass away.

book hadits like shahih bukhari, shahih moslem, etc. inipun not ever there command

apostle may allah bless him and give him peace to book it, not also khulafa’urrasyidin command to write it,

but tabi’in begin to write hadits apostle may allah bless him and give him peace and give law classification

hadits follow periwayat. so also science musthalahulhadits, nahwu, sharaf,

and others so that we get the picture degree position hadits. all these

deed bid’ah but bid’ah hasanah.

such also pronunciation “radhiyallahu’anhu” on friend, never taught by

rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace, not also by friend, although that called in alqur’an that

they are that friends is meridhai allah, but bothing;there is no in verse or hadits apostle may allah bless him and give him peace

command to say that pronunciation for the friend. but because kecintaan

tabi’in in friend, so they are menambahi with pronunciation and entire

madzhab follow it.

and this be bid’ah hasanah with proposition hadits above, then appear also now alqur’an

at cassete, at cd kan, program alqur’an at handphone, alqur’an that translated,

all these bid’ah hasanah.

bid’ah good, advantageous and for muslims use, because with

existence bid’ah hasanah above, so more easy for we are to study alqur’an,

to always read alqur’an, even to learn by heart alqur’an and bothing that

deny it.

now if we are interestinging to retreat rear islam history, when alqur’an not booked

by friends ra, what sekira that in islam history development?

alqur’an still bertebaran at wall - wall, at camel skin, at memorizing friends ra

only a part inscribed, so will appear beribu - thousands version alqur’an at period

now, as everybody will gather and book it, masing -

masing with the story self, so crashed alqur’an and crashed islam. but

with existence bid’ah hasanah, now we are stilling to know alqur’an according to intact and

with existence bid’ah hasanah this also we still to know hadits – hadits rasulul

may allah bless him and give him peace, so roger this islam is steady and eternal. clear apostle utterance may allah bless him and give him peace that

permit it, he may allah bless him and give him peace detect clearly that matter - new matter

shaped kindness (bid’ah hasanah), must showed later,  and he may allah bless him and give him peace prohibit

matter – new matter shaped wickednesses (bid’ah dhala).

brother - my brother, make clear your heart gets all these, remember pronunciation amirulmukminin

first this, know pronunciation - the pronunciation pearl alqur’an, great figure abubakar

asshiddiq ra say to hit bid’ah hasanah: “sampai allah cleans my breast and

i agree and now i am same opinion with umar”. then say also zeyd bin haritsah ra

: ”. . how do you both (abubakar and umar) make something that not memperbuat

by rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace? ? ”, so abubakar ra say it that that thing kindness,

up to he is even also (abubakar ra) convince me (zeyd) “sampai allah cleans my breast

and i agree and now i am same opinion with them berdua”.

so kuhimbau brother - muslims my brother kumulia, clear heart gets

matter – new matter good heart sehati with abubakar asshiddiq ra, heart umar

bin khattab ra, heart zeyd bin haritsah ra, heart friends, that is heart that cleaned allah

the almighty and most worthy of praise.

and suspicious in merimu when do you find merimu deny this matter, so perhaps

your heart not yet cleaned allah, because not want same opinion with them, not yet

agree with their opinion, still to averse bid’ah hasanah. and apostle may allah bless him and give him peace

remind you that will happen many differences,  and hold my deed and

deed khulafa’urrasyidin, bite with molar (which intended to hold on

tight – tight in my guidance and they guidance).

good allah cleans my inner person and your inner person is up to sehati and same opinion

with abubakar asshiddiq ra, umar bin khattab ra, utsman bin affan ra, ali bin abi thalib" (definition bid'ah) bid’ah dhala"

clear that they who has aversed bid’ah hasanah this belong in group

bid’ah dhala,  and bid’ah dhala this is many the kinds, like penafian sunnah, denial

friend pronunciation, opinion denial khulafa’urrasyidin. several denial

on new matter during that is good and not break sharia, because this matter permitted

by apostle may allah bless him and give him peace and done by khulafa’urrasyidin,  and apostle may allah bless him and give him peace clear – clear

will tell that will appear many differences, hold on to sunnah and sunnah

khulafa’urrasyidin. how sunnah apostle may allah bless him and give him peace? , he is may allah bless him and give him peace permit bid’ah hasanah,

how sunnah khulafa’urrasyidin? , they do bid’ah hasanah, so repellent

on this matter is bid’ah dhala, matter that warned by apostle may allah bless him and give him peace.

when do we menafi (nullify) existence bid’ah hasanah, so we menafi and

membid’ah book alqur’an and book hadits that be religion main teachings pilot

islam because second book (alqur’an and hadits) there is no command rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace

to book it in one book masing - masing, but that thing be

ijma’ or opinion agreement friends radhiyallahu’anhum and this matter is done

after rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace pass away.

book hadits like shahih bukhari, shahih moslem, etc. inipun not ever there command

apostle may allah bless him and give him peace to book it, not also khulafa’urrasyidin command to write it,

but tabi’in begin to write hadits apostle may allah bless him and give him peace and give law classification

hadits follow periwayat. so also science musthalahulhadits, nahwu, sharaf,

and others so that we get the picture degree position hadits. all these

deed bid’ah but bid’ah hasanah.

such also pronunciation “radhiyallahu’anhu” on friend, never taught by

rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace, not also by friend, although that called in alqur’an that

they are that friends is meridhai allah, but bothing;there is no in verse or hadits apostle may allah bless him and give him peace

command to say that pronunciation for the friend. but because kecintaan

tabi’in in friend, so they are menambahi with pronunciation and entire

madzhab follow it.

and this be bid’ah hasanah with proposition hadits above, then appear also now alqur’an

at cassete, at cd kan, program alqur’an at handphone, alqur’an that translated,

all these bid’ah hasanah.

bid’ah good, advantageous and for muslims use, because with

existence bid’ah hasanah above, so more easy for we are to study alqur’an,

to always read alqur’an, even to learn by heart alqur’an and bothing that

deny it.

now if we are interestinging to retreat rear islam history, when alqur’an not booked

by friends ra, what sekira that in islam history development?

alqur’an still bertebaran at wall - wall, at camel skin, at memorizing friends ra

only a part inscribed, so will appear beribu - thousands version alqur’an at period

now, as everybody will gather and book it, masing -

masing with the story self, so crashed alqur’an and crashed islam. but

with existence bid’ah hasanah, now we are stilling to know alqur’an according to intact and

with existence bid’ah hasanah this also we still to know hadits – hadits rasulul

may allah bless him and give him peace, so roger this islam is steady and eternal. clear apostle utterance may allah bless him and give him peace that

permit it, he may allah bless him and give him peace detect clearly that matter - new matter

shaped kindness (bid’ah hasanah), must showed later,  and he may allah bless him and give him peace prohibit

matter – new matter shaped wickednesses (bid’ah dhala).

brother - my brother, make clear your heart gets all these, remember pronunciation amirulmukminin

first this, know pronunciation - the pronunciation pearl alqur’an, great figure abubakar

asshiddiq ra say to hit bid’ah hasanah: “sampai allah cleans my breast and

i agree and now i am same opinion with umar”. then say also zeyd bin haritsah ra

: ”. . how do you both (abubakar and umar) make something that not memperbuat

by rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace? ? ”, so abubakar ra say it that that thing kindness,

up to he is even also (abubakar ra) convince me (zeyd) “sampai allah cleans my breast

and i agree and now i am same opinion with them berdua”.

so kuhimbau brother - muslims my brother kumulia, clear heart gets

matter – new matter good heart sehati with abubakar asshiddiq ra, heart umar

bin khattab ra, heart zeyd bin haritsah ra, heart friends, that is heart that cleaned allah

the almighty and most worthy of praise.

and suspicious in merimu when do you find merimu deny this matter, so perhaps

your heart not yet cleaned allah, because not want same opinion with them, not yet

agree with their opinion, still to averse bid’ah hasanah. and apostle may allah bless him and give him peace

remind you that will happen many differences,  and hold my deed and

deed khulafa’urrasyidin, bite with molar (which intended to hold on

tight – tight in my guidance and they guidance).

good allah cleans my inner person and your inner person is up to sehati and same opinion

with abubakar asshiddiq ra, umar bin khattab ra, utsman bin affan ra, ali bin abi thalib Add to Cart

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