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Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

War Uhud ( Syakban 3 H )

bitter experience that fueled by class quraisy in action badar wound has deepened nan painful. how not, although their total is bigger far and their munitions is more adequate, but obvious they must underwrite matter loss by dozens.

and painfuler they are lost it their figures. this ill taste, augmenting again with determination to return tribe prestige quraisy that koyak in action badar, push them do action takes towards class muslims. so that roger several battles after war badar. war uhud belong between terrible battle that fire consequence grudges this. called war uhud because this war berkecamuk at elbow mount uhud. a mount with height 128 that time meters, while now only 121 meters. this hill resides in borthside madinah with distance 5,5 km from mosque nabawi.

insident time

experts sirah unanimous that this war happens in syawwâl year third migration rasulullâh salallahu ‘alaihi peace be with you to madinah. but they bicker about the day. opinion most masyhûr mention that this war happens on saturday, mid month syawwal.

war cause

beside this war is mempicu by fire grudges as mentioned to guarded, there also cause other doesn't less important that is mission resque their business stripe to syam from class muslims that is assumed often disturb. they also will hope can destroy muslims class strength before is a strength concerned will threaten existence quraisy.

By : http://majalah-assunnah.com/
here's several motivations melatarbelakangi offence that done by class quraisy towards class muslims at madinah.

troop total

class quraisy early on prepare their troop. merchandise and profit that produced by ash sufyân along with group congratulation from muslims class attack require for their troop provision in action uhud. to succeed their mission is in action uhud this, class quraisy success gather 3 thousands troop that consist of class quraisy and loyal terms to quraisy likes bani kinânah and citizen tihâmah. they have 200 cavalry and 700 troops that dress iron. they lift khâlid bin al-walîd as right wing commandant, temporary be command ikrimah bin ash jahl.

they also invite several women to arouse troop spirit quraisy and watch over them so that not melari self. because if some'x melari self, he will be criticized by these women. about this woman total, experts sirah differ opinion. ibnu ishâq rahimahul mention that their total 8 person, al-wâqidi rahimahul mention 14 person, while ibnu sa’d rahimahul mention 15 womans.

dream rasûlullâh shallallâhu 'alaihi wasallam

before this battle is berkecamuk, rasûlullâh shallallâhu 'alaihi wasallam be showed event that will happen in action this will pass dream. rasûlullâh shallallâhu 'alaihi wasallam narated this dream to friends. he is rasûlullâh shallallâhu 'alaihi wasallam said:

“saya dream to swing sword then that sword is the end broken. that (cue-pent) is calamity that befall class muslims in action uhud. then i sway again that sword then that sword is good again, better from previous. that (is hint –pent-) victory allah ta’ala bestow and muslims class coalitions. in that dream me also see cow –dan what allah does that baik- that (hint) towards class muslims (that be victim) in action uhud. kindness kindness allah ta’ala bestow and honesty reply allah ta’ala bestow after war badar”.

rasûlullâh shallallâhu 'alaihi wasallam menakwil his dream is this with beating and death that will happen in action uhud.

moment detect arrival quraisy to invade class muslims at madinah, rasûlullâh shallallâhu 'alaihi wasallam invite friends discusses to take steps best. are they linger on at madinah wait and will greet enemy at city madinah or they will commemorate enemy outside madinah?

rasûlullâh shallallâhu 'alaihi wasallam inclined invite friends survives at madinah and do city war, but a group class anshâr radhiallahu'anhum say,

“wahai nabiyullâh! actually we hate to wage war at city road madinah. in age jahiliyah we have tried to avoid battle (in city), so after our islam is more justifiably to avoid it. intercept them (outside madinah)! "

rasûlullâh shallallâhu 'alaihi wasallam bersiap to leave. he wears armor and all armament. after realize conditon, friends mutual impute. final, they say:

“rasûlullâh shallallâhu 'alaihi wasallam offered a certain, but you submit other. alas hamzah, meet rasûlullâh shallallâhu 'alaihi wasallam and say, “we follow the opinion”" .

hamzah radhiallahu’anhu even also come to meet rasûlullâh shallallâhu 'alaihi wasallam and say, ‘wahai rasulullâh, actually your followers mutual impute and final say, ‘kami follow your opinion. ’ hear his uncle pronunciation is this, rasulullâh salallahu ‘alaihi peace be with you bersabda:

‘ actually if a prophet has worn the war device, so he will not undo it up to happen war’.

meeting decision intercept enemy outside city madinah. ibnu ishâq rahimahul and the other mentions that ‘abdullâh ibnu salûl agree with opinion rasûlullâh shallallâhu 'alaihi wasallam for stand at bay at madinah. temporary at-thabari present adversative story with story ibnu ishâq rahimahul, but in sanad second this is there one who defendant and often do error. therefore, al-bâkiri in the thesis more strengthen story that brought by ibnu ishâq rahimahul.

expert religious teachers sirah mention that that motivating friends to commemorate enemy outside madinah that is willing to show their courage before enemy, also willing to join in share in jihad, because they don't get to chance to come along in action badar.

temporary, rasûlullâh shallallâhu 'alaihi wasallam more opting for linger on and survive at madinah, because he wants to make use buildings madinah with make use people who lives in madinah.

lesson from story

class muslims that is residing in region, if invaded by enemy, so they not obligatory commemorate enemy arrival. they may permanent choose to survive at their houses and fight against enemy there. this is if this strategy is easier supposed to beat enemy. this matter is as that is beckoned by rasûlullâh shallallâhu 'alaihi wasallam in action uhud. Add to Cart

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