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Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

Al - Habib Muhammad Rizieq Shihab

Tiger Breed Betawi And Independence Warrior  INDONESIA

habib husein shihab, father habib muhammad rizieq shihab. my father is really modern and the person very mixed, ” word habib muhammad rizieq shihab, birth august 1965. face habib rizieq much the same to with the father the late face. in the early 1950-an, habib husein shihab collect arabian boys to serve in nation has passed boyscout and girlguides area. he is more knowledgeable with the title hopman — dutch word for boyscout and girlguides leader.

even if manner dresses and think it modern, habib husein shihab within call with religious teacher betawi foremost, habib ali al ethiopia from kwitang, jakarta centre. in programmes like maulid prophet, isra miraj and get foreign guest, habib ali always ask habib husein shihab fluent speak dutch is mc. arabian guide programmes that done every saturday afternoon go on at yard madrasah unwanul fa at kwitang. madrasah that built by habib ali in 1911 this give birth to amount of religious teacher betawi.
habib rizieq admit when the father passes away year 1966, he aged new 11 months. ”jadi i know it only from photo, ” he said.
the father that born year 1920-an, before died at polonia, jatinegara, say to a the family member, ”tanya to my son is this, if big want to be religious teacher or gamecock. if want to so religious teacher, educate the religion well. if want to so gamecock, give him machete. ”
since then, habib muhammad rizieq shihab mempindahkan to teak petamburan and latest pass riyadh university (now king saud university) arabian saudi. now he is middle finish thesis in university malaya, mud estuary, to pass s2 area syariat.
follow amount of the late friend habib husein shihab now aged average on 80 year, this arabian guide leader is ever works at rode kruis (now indonesia red cross) in dutch the return time after independence proclamation.
habib husein, at the time still aged 20 annual, work at logistics part. here he has connection with independence warriors. he is many give food and clothes to warriors at the time bergerilya at jakarta and vinicity.
apparently side nica (dutch army) mengendus behavior sold out it that, caused by the friend self bring oneself to betray it and report it in nica. ruthlessly again, husein shihab even also caught. second his arms tied and he is hauled with jeep vehicle.
at his prison is memvonis death sentence by dutch. but, allah aid blessing, habib husein shihab success blurred from prison and jump to unlucky time. he is congratulation, although the buttocks part is shooted. he is aware after previous get accomodation from kh light ali, warrior bekasi very intimidated nica.
one day, habib muhammad rizieq shihab show the father photo with wife brother karno, fatmawati, in a ceremony in the early independence. he declares proud, has tall nationalism spirit and come along to burn arabian boys opposes dutch passes indonesia arabian guide.
father habib husein shihab, habib muhammad shihab, formerly ever has hundreds cab and has horse stable in front of rs pelni. cab bertrayek elder brother soil to kebayoran long this is ever disturbed by freeman that admit staff the pitung, gamecock betawi that abhorred dutch.
like menuturkan habib muhammad rizieq, that the grandfather is direct meets pitung that felt the name in ill part is swindled. apparently that meeting is even makes two figures betawi be intimate. final, habib muhammad married off with pona pitung from koebon pineapple, kebayoran long. from this marriage born habib husein shihab, father from habib muhammad rizieq shihab.
habib muhammad rizieq bin husein shihab lc
born at jakarta on 24 augusts 1965, his father is habib husein bin muhammad shihab and his mother is syarifah sidah alatas, the father dieds since he stills aged 11 months, and since that's habib muhammad rizieq shihab is not educated at pesantren. but since aged four year, he diligent has studied at mosques. the mother all at once personate father and work as dressmaker with bride makeup person, very pay attention education habib muhammad rizieq shihab and one other the child.
after pass sd, habib muhammad rizieq shihab step into smp pejompongan, jakarta centre. obvious school distance with the house at petamburan, also at jakarta centre, too far. he is even also then mempindahkan to school bearer with place live it, smp christian bethel petamburan. pass sma, habib rizieq devolve the study at king saudi university, arabian saudi, finished during four year with predikat cum-laude. habib muhammad rizieq shihab ever lecture to take s2 at malaysian,  but only one year.
habib muhammad rizieq shihab mendeklarasi stand it islam pleader front (fpi) date 17 augusts 1998. fpi begin known since happen cassia alata event, jakarta, 22 novembers 1998, around 200 members mass fpi quarrel with hundreds freeman. quarrel bernuansa tribe, religion, race, antargolongan this cause several member houses and religious service house on fire with menewas amount of person. and here lah i am new knows him.
the lineage up to to rasul s a w
lineage habib muhammad rizieq syihab bin husein bin muhammad bin husein bin abdul bin husein bin muhammad bin syeikh bin muhammad bin ali bin muhammad bin ahmad syihabuddin al-asghar bin abdurrahman al-qadhi bin ahmad syihabuddin al-akbar bin abdurrahman bin syeikh ali bin ash burns as-sakran bin abdurrahman as-segaf …bin muhammad maulad daawi bin ali bin alwi ibnul faqih bin muhammad al-faqihil muqaddam bin ali walidil faqih bin muhammad shahib murbath bin ali khala’ qasam bin alwi bin muhammad bin alwi ubaidil bin ahmad al-muhajir bin jesus an-naqib bin muhammad djamaluddin bin ali al-uraidhi bin ja’far as-shadiq bin muhammad al-baqir bin ali zainal abidin bin husein as-sibth bin ali bin abi thalib wa fathimah az-zahra binta rasulul muhammad may allah bless him and give him peace
the wife lineage
wife lineage habib rizieq syihab syarifah fadhlun yahya binti faadhil bin good bin utsman bin abdul bin aqil bin umar bin aqil bin syeikh bin abdurrahman bin aqil bin ahmad bin yahya bin good bin
he has passed and get degree ma from direction,  and now he is chasing docktorate (s3) at university same at malaysian, pray may he is maked easy for this matter, he only want so that islam enemies in general and enemy fpi especially doesn't look at half eye a habib rizieq which actually also not remained the education problem. . not merely ustadz village that rely on lineage and science kalam. . thereby they are islam enemies more will calculate a habib rizieq with fpi he later on day. .

Career :

headmaster madrasah aliyah jamiat kheir, jakarta
council syariat bprs at-taqwa, tangerang
leadership/builder amount of assembly ta’lim jabotabek

islam pleader front head leader (fpi) Add to Cart

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