ed of the book sirah nabawiyah essay dr. muhammad sa`id ramadhan al buthy, translate (translator): aunur rafiq shaleh, edition robbani press
prophet may allah bless him and give him peace enter mecca from plateau" kida“ and command khalid bin walid with the troop so that enter mecca from lowland" kida“. final class muslims enters mecca as commanded prophet may allah bless him and give him peace without get opposition except khalid bin walid. he faces amount of class musyrikin between they are found ikrimah bin ash jahal and shofwan bin umaiyah. khalid fight against them and success kill 24 person from quraisy and 4 person from hudzail. rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace see sword flash in the distance then visible he doesn't like it. said to it that that flash khalid bin walid that is assaulted then reply attack, prophet utterance may allah bless him and give him peace: " allah rule always good. “
ibnu ishaq merawi from abdul bin ash burns ra and al judge from anas ra, that is rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace when reach dzi thua he reside in on the camel, wear bottle green turban and bow to with sersikap tawadhu‘ to allah, by see victory (fat-h) mengaruniakan allah to it. he sits membongkok until his beard almost nudges the camel back.
bukhari tell from mu‘awiya bin qurah ra, he says: “a ever hear abdul bin mughaffal say: i see rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace when does fat-hu makkah reside in on the camel, while read mail al-fath recurrent with reading so melodious. his utterance: suppose ones will not swarm at around me undoubtedly i read it shall to recurrent. "
prophet may allah bless him and give him peace enter direct mecca aims ka‘bah. around ka‘bah still found 360 idols. then prophet may allah bless him and give him peace the smash one by one with a cudgel at his arms while say: “truth arrive and gone kebathilan. truth has arrived and sleaze not will return again. “ in ka‘bah also found several idols so that prophet may allah bless him and give him peace dislike to enter it before those idols crushes. then those idols is taked. among others found statue ibrahim and isma‘il at second his arms hold azlam (arrow to gamble). prophet utterance may allah bless him and give him peace: “harm they, actually they know that both (ibrahim and ismail axis) never gamble absolutely. “ afterwards prophet may allah bless him and give him peace come into ka‘bah and bertakbir at corners ka‘bah then out and doesn't do prayer in it.
prophet may allah bless him and give him peace command ustman bin thalhah (belong key holder ka‘bah) so that give key to him. with key prophet may allah bless him and give him peace open ka‘bah then step into depth. after out prophet may allah bless him and give him peace call ustman bin thalhah and return that key to it while says: “terima this key is permanently. actually not i am that extradite it to you, but allah that extradite it to you. actually not a even also pull it (right hold key ka‘bah) except a zhalim. “ with this pronunciation him beckons to allah saying: “sesungguh allah commands you so that submit those messages to the experts. “
rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace also command muezzin climbs on ka‘bah peale to summons to prayer prayer. then ones swarms to come into allah religion. ibnu ishaq say: after ones gathers at vinicity, prophet may allah bless him and give him peace while hold second door isolator ka‘bah say the sermon to them:
" not god except allah only. not ally bagi-. succumbed (allah) that fulfill the promise-, beat slave- (muhammad) and beat alone enemies. actually all kind takes, treasure and blood all under second this my foot, except watchman ka‘bah and drinking water giver to jama‘ah pilgrim. alas class quraisy! actually allah has pulled from you are arrogance jahiliyah and glorify it with breed. everybody come from adam and adam that come from soil. “
then prophet may allah bless him and give him peace read verse:
" hey all human! actually we (allah) make you are all from a man and a woman. and we make you several nations and tribe, so that you mutual know between one with other. actually nobleest between you in the eyes of allah most devoted. actually that allah is very knows and very understand. “ (qs al-. hujurat: 13).
furthermore prophet may allah bless him and give him peace ask:
" alas class quraisy! follow your opinion, action what is want kuambil towards you? “
answer them:
" sure any good! hey excellency brother and excellency brother son. “
he is then say:
" go you all! you all free. “
bukhari and moslem tells from ash syuraih al-adwi that prophet may allah bless him and give him peace bersabda in when does fat-hu makkah the sermon: " actually mecca has been forbidden by allah, bon-human that forbid it, may not for a that believe in to allah and day ends to spilled blood and pull tree at mecca. suppose there one who equivocate that rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace ever do battle at mecca, so say to it: “sesungguh allah admits for rasul- but doesn't admit to it (prophet may allah bless him and give him peace) only a moment. now" keharaman“ return again as previous. want that watching to submit to absentee. “
then ones gathers at mecca to berbai‘at to rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace to always hear and ta‘at to allah and rasul-. after membai‘at class man, rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace membai‘at womankind. so gather women quraisy before prophets may allah bless him and give him peace. between they are found hindun binti ‘utbah that come along to present with camouflage because remember the cruelty ever do towards hamzah ra (at war uhud). after they approach to declare bai‘at, rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace said: “want you berbai‘at to me to not allying allah with a certain whatever. “ hindun binti ‚utbah say: “for the sake of allah, you take bai‘at from we are not you take away from class man but we give it to you. “ advanced prophet may allah bless him and give him peace: “dan will not steal. “ hindun give up again: “for the sake of allah, i am formerly often take ash the money sofyan. i don't know to what that thing allowed or not? “ answer ash sofyan moment that present at that assembly: “a permit all my treasures ever you take. “ prophet may allah bless him and give him peace ask: " do you hindun binti 'utbah. “ prophet word may allah bless him and give him peace to ash sofyan: “ma‘af he on the deed that then, good allah mema‘afkan. “ furthermore prophet may allah bless him and give him peace declare: “dan you will not fornicate. “ hindun commented: “oh.. rasulul is a independent will fornicate? “ then prophet may allah bless him and give him peace continue: “dan you will not kill your children. “. hindun menukas: “we take care son - daughter we are at little time but after big you kill at badr, and you detect them. “ umar ra also come along to present at this assembly smile to hear pronunciation hindun. prophet may allah bless him and give him peace continue: “dan you don't lie to close - up what is in in front of or rear you: “ hindun say: “for the sake of allah lies deed very bad and exceed that limit is similar. “ then rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace say to umar ra: “bai‘at they (are women that memintakan amnesty to rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace). “ then umar ra even also membai‘at they.
in pembai‘atan rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace tida shake hand and or nudge woman, except woman that allowed allah to it.
bukhari tell from aisyah ra, he says: prophet may allah bless him and give him peace membai‘at womankind verbally () with this verse: “not associating gods with a certain whatever. “ furthermore aisyah ra explain: “hand rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace hasn't nudge woman hand absolutely except woman that rightful for him[s. “ moslem tells hadits similar to this from aisyah ra.
on fat-hu this mecca is um hani‘ binti ash thalib gives protection guarantee to a polytheist but ali ra, insistent to want to kill it. um hani‘ say: then i come to prophet may allah bless him and give him peace. when do i come, he is bathing and fathimah, his child, cover it with cloth. then i say greetings to him. he asks: " who this? “ i answer: “um hani‘ binti ash thalib. “ prophet may allah bless him and give him peace greet: " welcome um hani‘. “ after finished bathe, he is then prayer eight cycles with packaged one cloths then leave the place. I asked: " alas rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace, my mother child, ali ra, insistent to want to kill a that I assure you the security (that man ibnu hubairah). " then prophet may allah bless him and give him peace said: “we protect one who you have protected alas um hani‘. “
as to people who has been commanded rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace to kill it, between they there that kill and a part other enter islam. huwairits, abdul ibnu khathal and muqis bin hubabah killed kill. such also one of the between two woman singers, while singer woman one enter islam. to abdul bin sa‘ad bin ash sarah given syafa‘at (forgiveness) and prove self as a good moslem. such also to ikrimah, hubar and hindun binti ‚utbah.
ibnu hisyam is telling that fadha bin umair al-laitsi is aiming to want to kill prophet may allah bless him and give him peace at the (time) of he thawaf at ka‘bah at day fat-hu makkah. when fadha approach suddenly rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace say: “whether this is fadha? “ he answers: “yes, i am fadha alas rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace. “ prophet may allah bless him and give him peace ask: “What are you think? “ he answers: “tidak think anything, i recall allah kok. “ while smile rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace say: “mohon forgiveness to allah …“ then prophet may allah bless him and give him peace put his arms above the breast so that the heart is calm. fadha say: “so he releases hand from my breast, i felt not a even also more i love than he. “
then fadha return to the house passes by a ynag ever love it. that woman calls and invite it to speak, but then from mouth fadha out these stanzas series:
he says: let us chat!
not, answer me.
allah and islam prohibit me
i have just seen muhammad
at conquest day, day destroy all idols
that islamic religion is very clear and real
polytheism darkness.
follow story bukhari from ibnu abbas, prophet may allah bless him and give him peace reside in mecca during 19 days with menqashar prayer.
prophet may allah bless him and give him peace enter mecca from plateau" kida“ and command khalid bin walid with the troop so that enter mecca from lowland" kida“. final class muslims enters mecca as commanded prophet may allah bless him and give him peace without get opposition except khalid bin walid. he faces amount of class musyrikin between they are found ikrimah bin ash jahal and shofwan bin umaiyah. khalid fight against them and success kill 24 person from quraisy and 4 person from hudzail. rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace see sword flash in the distance then visible he doesn't like it. said to it that that flash khalid bin walid that is assaulted then reply attack, prophet utterance may allah bless him and give him peace: " allah rule always good. “
ibnu ishaq merawi from abdul bin ash burns ra and al judge from anas ra, that is rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace when reach dzi thua he reside in on the camel, wear bottle green turban and bow to with sersikap tawadhu‘ to allah, by see victory (fat-h) mengaruniakan allah to it. he sits membongkok until his beard almost nudges the camel back.
bukhari tell from mu‘awiya bin qurah ra, he says: “a ever hear abdul bin mughaffal say: i see rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace when does fat-hu makkah reside in on the camel, while read mail al-fath recurrent with reading so melodious. his utterance: suppose ones will not swarm at around me undoubtedly i read it shall to recurrent. "
prophet may allah bless him and give him peace enter direct mecca aims ka‘bah. around ka‘bah still found 360 idols. then prophet may allah bless him and give him peace the smash one by one with a cudgel at his arms while say: “truth arrive and gone kebathilan. truth has arrived and sleaze not will return again. “ in ka‘bah also found several idols so that prophet may allah bless him and give him peace dislike to enter it before those idols crushes. then those idols is taked. among others found statue ibrahim and isma‘il at second his arms hold azlam (arrow to gamble). prophet utterance may allah bless him and give him peace: “harm they, actually they know that both (ibrahim and ismail axis) never gamble absolutely. “ afterwards prophet may allah bless him and give him peace come into ka‘bah and bertakbir at corners ka‘bah then out and doesn't do prayer in it.
prophet may allah bless him and give him peace command ustman bin thalhah (belong key holder ka‘bah) so that give key to him. with key prophet may allah bless him and give him peace open ka‘bah then step into depth. after out prophet may allah bless him and give him peace call ustman bin thalhah and return that key to it while says: “terima this key is permanently. actually not i am that extradite it to you, but allah that extradite it to you. actually not a even also pull it (right hold key ka‘bah) except a zhalim. “ with this pronunciation him beckons to allah saying: “sesungguh allah commands you so that submit those messages to the experts. “
rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace also command muezzin climbs on ka‘bah peale to summons to prayer prayer. then ones swarms to come into allah religion. ibnu ishaq say: after ones gathers at vinicity, prophet may allah bless him and give him peace while hold second door isolator ka‘bah say the sermon to them:
" not god except allah only. not ally bagi-. succumbed (allah) that fulfill the promise-, beat slave- (muhammad) and beat alone enemies. actually all kind takes, treasure and blood all under second this my foot, except watchman ka‘bah and drinking water giver to jama‘ah pilgrim. alas class quraisy! actually allah has pulled from you are arrogance jahiliyah and glorify it with breed. everybody come from adam and adam that come from soil. “
then prophet may allah bless him and give him peace read verse:
" hey all human! actually we (allah) make you are all from a man and a woman. and we make you several nations and tribe, so that you mutual know between one with other. actually nobleest between you in the eyes of allah most devoted. actually that allah is very knows and very understand. “ (qs al-. hujurat: 13).
furthermore prophet may allah bless him and give him peace ask:
" alas class quraisy! follow your opinion, action what is want kuambil towards you? “
answer them:
" sure any good! hey excellency brother and excellency brother son. “
he is then say:
" go you all! you all free. “
bukhari and moslem tells from ash syuraih al-adwi that prophet may allah bless him and give him peace bersabda in when does fat-hu makkah the sermon: " actually mecca has been forbidden by allah, bon-human that forbid it, may not for a that believe in to allah and day ends to spilled blood and pull tree at mecca. suppose there one who equivocate that rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace ever do battle at mecca, so say to it: “sesungguh allah admits for rasul- but doesn't admit to it (prophet may allah bless him and give him peace) only a moment. now" keharaman“ return again as previous. want that watching to submit to absentee. “
then ones gathers at mecca to berbai‘at to rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace to always hear and ta‘at to allah and rasul-. after membai‘at class man, rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace membai‘at womankind. so gather women quraisy before prophets may allah bless him and give him peace. between they are found hindun binti ‘utbah that come along to present with camouflage because remember the cruelty ever do towards hamzah ra (at war uhud). after they approach to declare bai‘at, rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace said: “want you berbai‘at to me to not allying allah with a certain whatever. “ hindun binti ‚utbah say: “for the sake of allah, you take bai‘at from we are not you take away from class man but we give it to you. “ advanced prophet may allah bless him and give him peace: “dan will not steal. “ hindun give up again: “for the sake of allah, i am formerly often take ash the money sofyan. i don't know to what that thing allowed or not? “ answer ash sofyan moment that present at that assembly: “a permit all my treasures ever you take. “ prophet may allah bless him and give him peace ask: " do you hindun binti 'utbah. “ prophet word may allah bless him and give him peace to ash sofyan: “ma‘af he on the deed that then, good allah mema‘afkan. “ furthermore prophet may allah bless him and give him peace declare: “dan you will not fornicate. “ hindun commented: “oh.. rasulul is a independent will fornicate? “ then prophet may allah bless him and give him peace continue: “dan you will not kill your children. “. hindun menukas: “we take care son - daughter we are at little time but after big you kill at badr, and you detect them. “ umar ra also come along to present at this assembly smile to hear pronunciation hindun. prophet may allah bless him and give him peace continue: “dan you don't lie to close - up what is in in front of or rear you: “ hindun say: “for the sake of allah lies deed very bad and exceed that limit is similar. “ then rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace say to umar ra: “bai‘at they (are women that memintakan amnesty to rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace). “ then umar ra even also membai‘at they.
in pembai‘atan rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace tida shake hand and or nudge woman, except woman that allowed allah to it.
bukhari tell from aisyah ra, he says: prophet may allah bless him and give him peace membai‘at womankind verbally () with this verse: “not associating gods with a certain whatever. “ furthermore aisyah ra explain: “hand rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace hasn't nudge woman hand absolutely except woman that rightful for him[s. “ moslem tells hadits similar to this from aisyah ra.
on fat-hu this mecca is um hani‘ binti ash thalib gives protection guarantee to a polytheist but ali ra, insistent to want to kill it. um hani‘ say: then i come to prophet may allah bless him and give him peace. when do i come, he is bathing and fathimah, his child, cover it with cloth. then i say greetings to him. he asks: " who this? “ i answer: “um hani‘ binti ash thalib. “ prophet may allah bless him and give him peace greet: " welcome um hani‘. “ after finished bathe, he is then prayer eight cycles with packaged one cloths then leave the place. I asked: " alas rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace, my mother child, ali ra, insistent to want to kill a that I assure you the security (that man ibnu hubairah). " then prophet may allah bless him and give him peace said: “we protect one who you have protected alas um hani‘. “
as to people who has been commanded rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace to kill it, between they there that kill and a part other enter islam. huwairits, abdul ibnu khathal and muqis bin hubabah killed kill. such also one of the between two woman singers, while singer woman one enter islam. to abdul bin sa‘ad bin ash sarah given syafa‘at (forgiveness) and prove self as a good moslem. such also to ikrimah, hubar and hindun binti ‚utbah.
ibnu hisyam is telling that fadha bin umair al-laitsi is aiming to want to kill prophet may allah bless him and give him peace at the (time) of he thawaf at ka‘bah at day fat-hu makkah. when fadha approach suddenly rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace say: “whether this is fadha? “ he answers: “yes, i am fadha alas rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace. “ prophet may allah bless him and give him peace ask: “What are you think? “ he answers: “tidak think anything, i recall allah kok. “ while smile rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace say: “mohon forgiveness to allah …“ then prophet may allah bless him and give him peace put his arms above the breast so that the heart is calm. fadha say: “so he releases hand from my breast, i felt not a even also more i love than he. “
then fadha return to the house passes by a ynag ever love it. that woman calls and invite it to speak, but then from mouth fadha out these stanzas series:
he says: let us chat!
not, answer me.
allah and islam prohibit me
i have just seen muhammad
at conquest day, day destroy all idols
that islamic religion is very clear and real
polytheism darkness.
follow story bukhari from ibnu abbas, prophet may allah bless him and give him peace reside in mecca during 19 days with menqashar prayer.
By : http://daffodilmuslimah.multiply.com/
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