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Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

( Definition Bid'ah ) Bid’ah Dhala

" (definition bid'ah) bid’ah dhala "

clear that they who has aversed bid’ah hasanah this belong in group

bid’ah dhala,  and bid’ah dhala this is many the kinds, like penafian sunnah, denial

friend pronunciation, opinion denial khulafa’urrasyidin. several denial

on new matter during that is good and not break sharia, because this matter permitted

by apostle may allah bless him and give him peace and done by khulafa’urrasyidin,  and apostle may allah bless him and give him peace clear – clear

will tell that will appear many differences, hold on to sunnah and sunnah

khulafa’urrasyidin. how sunnah apostle may allah bless him and give him peace? , he is may allah bless him and give him peace permit bid’ah hasanah,

how sunnah khulafa’urrasyidin? , they do bid’ah hasanah, so repellent

on this matter is bid’ah dhala, matter that warned by apostle may allah bless him and give him peace.

when do we menafi (nullify) existence bid’ah hasanah, so we menafi and

membid’ah book alqur’an and book hadits that be religion main teachings pilot

islam because second book (alqur’an and hadits) there is no command rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace

to book it in one book masing - masing, but that thing be

ijma’ or opinion agreement friends radhiyallahu’anhum and this matter is done

after rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace pass away.

book hadits like shahih bukhari, shahih moslem, etc. inipun not ever there command

apostle may allah bless him and give him peace to book it, not also khulafa’urrasyidin command to write it,

but tabi’in begin to write hadits apostle may allah bless him and give him peace and give law classification

hadits follow periwayat. so also science musthalahulhadits, nahwu, sharaf,

and others so that we get the picture degree position hadits. all these

deed bid’ah but bid’ah hasanah.

such also pronunciation “radhiyallahu’anhu” on friend, never taught by

rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace, not also by friend, although that called in alqur’an that

they are that friends is meridhai allah, but bothing;there is no in verse or hadits apostle may allah bless him and give him peace

command to say that pronunciation for the friend. but because kecintaan

tabi’in in friend, so they are menambahi with pronunciation and entire

madzhab follow it.

and this be bid’ah hasanah with proposition hadits above, then appear also now alqur’an

at cassete, at cd kan, program alqur’an at handphone, alqur’an that translated,

all these bid’ah hasanah.

bid’ah good, advantageous and for muslims use, because with

existence bid’ah hasanah above, so more easy for we are to study alqur’an,

to always read alqur’an, even to learn by heart alqur’an and bothing that

deny it.

now if we are interestinging to retreat rear islam history, when alqur’an not booked

by friends ra, what sekira that in islam history development?

alqur’an still bertebaran at wall - wall, at camel skin, at memorizing friends ra

only a part inscribed, so will appear beribu - thousands version alqur’an at period

now, as everybody will gather and book it, masing -

masing with the story self, so crashed alqur’an and crashed islam. but

with existence bid’ah hasanah, now we are stilling to know alqur’an according to intact and

with existence bid’ah hasanah this also we still to know hadits – hadits rasulul

may allah bless him and give him peace, so roger this islam is steady and eternal. clear apostle utterance may allah bless him and give him peace that

permit it, he may allah bless him and give him peace detect clearly that matter - new matter

shaped kindness (bid’ah hasanah), must showed later,  and he may allah bless him and give him peace prohibit

matter – new matter shaped wickednesses (bid’ah dhala).

brother - my brother, make clear your heart gets all these, remember pronunciation amirulmukminin

first this, know pronunciation - the pronunciation pearl alqur’an, great figure abubakar

asshiddiq ra say to hit bid’ah hasanah: “sampai allah cleans my breast and

i agree and now i am same opinion with umar”. then say also zeyd bin haritsah ra

: ”. . how do you both (abubakar and umar) make something that not memperbuat

by rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace? ? ”, so abubakar ra say it that that thing kindness,

up to he is even also (abubakar ra) convince me (zeyd) “sampai allah cleans my breast

and i agree and now i am same opinion with them berdua”.

so kuhimbau brother - muslims my brother kumulia, clear heart gets

matter – new matter good heart sehati with abubakar asshiddiq ra, heart umar

bin khattab ra, heart zeyd bin haritsah ra, heart friends, that is heart that cleaned allah

the almighty and most worthy of praise.

and suspicious in merimu when do you find merimu deny this matter, so perhaps

your heart not yet cleaned allah, because not want same opinion with them, not yet

agree with their opinion, still to averse bid’ah hasanah. and apostle may allah bless him and give him peace

remind you that will happen many differences,  and hold my deed and

deed khulafa’urrasyidin, bite with molar (which intended to hold on

tight – tight in my guidance and they guidance).

good allah cleans my inner person and your inner person is up to sehati and same opinion

with abubakar asshiddiq ra, umar bin khattab ra, utsman bin affan ra, ali bin abi thalib" (definition bid'ah) bid’ah dhala"

clear that they who has aversed bid’ah hasanah this belong in group

bid’ah dhala,  and bid’ah dhala this is many the kinds, like penafian sunnah, denial

friend pronunciation, opinion denial khulafa’urrasyidin. several denial

on new matter during that is good and not break sharia, because this matter permitted

by apostle may allah bless him and give him peace and done by khulafa’urrasyidin,  and apostle may allah bless him and give him peace clear – clear

will tell that will appear many differences, hold on to sunnah and sunnah

khulafa’urrasyidin. how sunnah apostle may allah bless him and give him peace? , he is may allah bless him and give him peace permit bid’ah hasanah,

how sunnah khulafa’urrasyidin? , they do bid’ah hasanah, so repellent

on this matter is bid’ah dhala, matter that warned by apostle may allah bless him and give him peace.

when do we menafi (nullify) existence bid’ah hasanah, so we menafi and

membid’ah book alqur’an and book hadits that be religion main teachings pilot

islam because second book (alqur’an and hadits) there is no command rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace

to book it in one book masing - masing, but that thing be

ijma’ or opinion agreement friends radhiyallahu’anhum and this matter is done

after rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace pass away.

book hadits like shahih bukhari, shahih moslem, etc. inipun not ever there command

apostle may allah bless him and give him peace to book it, not also khulafa’urrasyidin command to write it,

but tabi’in begin to write hadits apostle may allah bless him and give him peace and give law classification

hadits follow periwayat. so also science musthalahulhadits, nahwu, sharaf,

and others so that we get the picture degree position hadits. all these

deed bid’ah but bid’ah hasanah.

such also pronunciation “radhiyallahu’anhu” on friend, never taught by

rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace, not also by friend, although that called in alqur’an that

they are that friends is meridhai allah, but bothing;there is no in verse or hadits apostle may allah bless him and give him peace

command to say that pronunciation for the friend. but because kecintaan

tabi’in in friend, so they are menambahi with pronunciation and entire

madzhab follow it.

and this be bid’ah hasanah with proposition hadits above, then appear also now alqur’an

at cassete, at cd kan, program alqur’an at handphone, alqur’an that translated,

all these bid’ah hasanah.

bid’ah good, advantageous and for muslims use, because with

existence bid’ah hasanah above, so more easy for we are to study alqur’an,

to always read alqur’an, even to learn by heart alqur’an and bothing that

deny it.

now if we are interestinging to retreat rear islam history, when alqur’an not booked

by friends ra, what sekira that in islam history development?

alqur’an still bertebaran at wall - wall, at camel skin, at memorizing friends ra

only a part inscribed, so will appear beribu - thousands version alqur’an at period

now, as everybody will gather and book it, masing -

masing with the story self, so crashed alqur’an and crashed islam. but

with existence bid’ah hasanah, now we are stilling to know alqur’an according to intact and

with existence bid’ah hasanah this also we still to know hadits – hadits rasulul

may allah bless him and give him peace, so roger this islam is steady and eternal. clear apostle utterance may allah bless him and give him peace that

permit it, he may allah bless him and give him peace detect clearly that matter - new matter

shaped kindness (bid’ah hasanah), must showed later,  and he may allah bless him and give him peace prohibit

matter – new matter shaped wickednesses (bid’ah dhala).

brother - my brother, make clear your heart gets all these, remember pronunciation amirulmukminin

first this, know pronunciation - the pronunciation pearl alqur’an, great figure abubakar

asshiddiq ra say to hit bid’ah hasanah: “sampai allah cleans my breast and

i agree and now i am same opinion with umar”. then say also zeyd bin haritsah ra

: ”. . how do you both (abubakar and umar) make something that not memperbuat

by rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace? ? ”, so abubakar ra say it that that thing kindness,

up to he is even also (abubakar ra) convince me (zeyd) “sampai allah cleans my breast

and i agree and now i am same opinion with them berdua”.

so kuhimbau brother - muslims my brother kumulia, clear heart gets

matter – new matter good heart sehati with abubakar asshiddiq ra, heart umar

bin khattab ra, heart zeyd bin haritsah ra, heart friends, that is heart that cleaned allah

the almighty and most worthy of praise.

and suspicious in merimu when do you find merimu deny this matter, so perhaps

your heart not yet cleaned allah, because not want same opinion with them, not yet

agree with their opinion, still to averse bid’ah hasanah. and apostle may allah bless him and give him peace

remind you that will happen many differences,  and hold my deed and

deed khulafa’urrasyidin, bite with molar (which intended to hold on

tight – tight in my guidance and they guidance).

good allah cleans my inner person and your inner person is up to sehati and same opinion

with abubakar asshiddiq ra, umar bin khattab ra, utsman bin affan ra, ali bin abi thalib Add to Cart View detail

( Definition Bid'ah ) Bid'ah Hasanah

 brother/sister i am comprehend ! ! !

(definition bid’ah) prophet may allah bless him and give him peace permit to make bid’ah hasanah.

prophet may allah bless him and give him peace permit us do bid’ah hasanah during that thing good and not

defy sharia, as his utterance is may allah bless him and give him peace:

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

“barangsiapa make - make new matter good in islam, so for him[s the reward

and reward one who follow it and unremitting a little even also from the reward, and

whomever makes to make new matter bad in islam, so for him[s the sin

and sin one who follow it and not mengurangkan little from dosanya”

(shahih moslem hadits no. 1017. such also told in shahih ibn khuzaimah,

sunan baihaqi alkubra, sunan addarimiy, shahih ibn hibban and many again). hadits this

explain meaning bid’ah hasanah and bid’ah dhala.

look at hadits he is may allah bless him and give him peace, isn't it true that he is may allah bless him and give him peace suggest? , when do you the purpose

has a opinion or new brainchild that makes kindness on islam, so

perbuat. how does the beautiful prophet guidance may allah bless him and give him peace not strangle ummat, he

may allah bless him and give him peace know that ummat not alive to 10 or 100 year, but thousands year

continue and will appear period progress, modernization, religious teacher death, rage

immorality, so of course certain need matter - bew matter by watch over muslims

more awake in glory. the above is true this religion fullness form, permanent

can be worn up to end period. and here's verse meaning: “alyauma akmaltu

lakum menginukum. . (dst)” “hari this is ku-sempurna for you are your religion,

ku-sempurna also comfort for you,  and ku-ridhai islam as religion

kalian”. (qs. al-maidah: 3). the purpose all teachings perfect, unnecessary again there

opinion other by repair this religion, new everything that during that is good

enter in sharia category and blessed by allah and rasul-, how

islam thoroughfulness.

when meant there is no again increasing, so that opinion is wrong, because

after this verse there [are] plenty more verse – verse other goes, debt problem etc. say

mufassirin that this verse haves makkah almukarramah previous always still

enterred polytheist person follows moslem person the pilgrim, begin insident go down it this verse,

so musyrikin not again enter masjidil prohibited, so make new habit good

may - may.

but of course doesn't make new religion or syariat new oppose against

sharia and sunnah apostle may allah bless him and give him peace,  or allow to what - what forbidden by

apostle may allah bless him and give him peace or on the contrary. here's meaning hadits he is may allah bless him and give him peace: “barangsiapa that make –

make new matter shaped wickednesses. . . (dst)”, this called bid’ah dhala.

he may allah bless him and give him peace realize that all, that later period will bloom, so

he is may allah bless him and give him peace permit it (bew matter shaped kindness), suggest it and

menyemangati we are to memperbuat, so that ummat not strangled with existing matter

at his life period is may allah bless him and give him peace,  and he may allah bless him and give him peace also remind so that don't

make to make bad matter (bid’ah dhala).

hit opinion that say that hadits this special for alms,

so sure this their opinion is shallow in sharia comprehension, because

hadits on clear – clear not mention restriction just for alms, proved Add to Cart View detail

Al - Habib Syech bin Abdul Qadir Assegaf

habib syech bin abdul qadir assegaf one of [the] son from 16 brothers  son - daughter alm. al-habib abdulkadir bin abdurrahman assegaf (religious figure and mosque moslem leader jami asegaf at market kliwon single), berawal from education that given by magnitude teacher all at once father handa beloved, habib syech deepen religion teachings and ahlaq the ancestor.
continue to continue education by his uncle alm. habib ahmad bin abdurrahman assegaf that from hadramaout. habib syech also get education, full support and attention from alm. al-imam, al-arifbil, al-habib muhammad anis bin alwiy al-habsyi (mosque moslem leader riyadh and holder magom al-habsyi). blessing all guidance, advice, with kesabara, habib syech bin abdulkadir assegaf menapaki day to always do syiar love rosull that preced from single city. time by time walks to escort syiar love rosull, without at realize many peoples interested and follow the assembly, up to in this time there thousands jama'ah that merged into ahbaabul musthofa. they follow and deepen tetang the important love to rosull may allah bless him and give him peace in this life.
ahbaabul musthofa, one of the several existing assemblies to simplifies people in realize and mentauladani rosul may allah bless him and give him peace, stand around tahun1998 at single city, precisely village mertodranan, berawal from assembly rotibul haddad and burdah with maulid simthud duror habib syech bin abdulkadir assegaf begin the step to invite ummat and self in bring up love to our adoration is big prophet muhammad may allah bless him and give him peace.

up to now, habib syech still melantun beautiful poems nan causes heart sholawat shimthud durror at various place, , to at jogja every thursday night pahing at iain like, timoho. .

sholawat routine:

every day wednesday evening and saturday evening ba'da isyak at residence habib syech bin abdulkadir assegaf.

assembly routine selapanan 'ahbaabul musthofa:
- purwodadi (friday night kliwon) at great mosque baitul wealthy purwodadi.
- holy (tuesday night pahing) at holy great mosque yard.
- jepara (friday night legi) at great mosque yard jepara.
- sragen (saturday night pahing) at mosque assakinah, puro beautiful, sragen.
- jogja (evening friday pahing) at yard pp. minhajuttamyiz, timoho, rear campus iain.
- single (saturday night legi) at great mosque yard surakarta.

don't only play band imitates and mengidola unbeliever ones style! ! but prophet self never imitated and admired praise! !
time has come bersholawat, honour, admire and imitate prophet muhammad may allah bless him and give him peace, , so that get syafaat and he admits us as the people, because useless we are yg admit nga the people, tp never bersholawat. .

many benefits sholawat, livelihood smoothness, soul placidity, god's guidance, etc.
the main.
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Al - Habib Abdullah Bin Mukhsin Al - Attas

 pond area bogor south, city bogor be famous because at that location stands holy mosque denunciateds light correct the location at road lolongok. 

at complex mosque denunciateds light that's, al habib abdul bin mukhsin al athas at bury, together with the children cemetery that is al habib mukhsin bin abdul al athas, al habib zen bin abdul al athas, al habib husen bin abdul al athas, al habib ash burns bin abdul al athas, sarifah light binti abdul al athas,  and pupil cemetery kesayangan that is al habib habib alwi bin muhammad bin tohir.

in manakib mentioned that al habib abdul bin mukhsin al athas a “ waliyullah” that achieve noble position close to allah the almighty and most worthy of praise. he belongs one of [the] waliyul not counted jasa-jasa in islam development history and class muslims in indonesia. he is a religious teacher “murobi” and leader sophist so that be suri tauladan both for all also evil spirit.

al habib abdul bin mukhsin. bin muhammad. bin abdul. bin muhammad. bin mukhsin. bin husen. bin syeh al pole, al habib umar bin abdurrohman al athas a spritual figure that known vast by all also special. he is “ahli kasaf” and difficult theologian is equaled keluawasan the science, religious service charity total, kemulyaan also the character mind.

al habib abdul bin mukhsin al athas he is original from yaman south gived at village hawrat one of [the] village at al coarse, village kharaidhoh, “khadramaut” on tuesday 20 jumadi beginning 1275 hijriah. since childhood he gets spritual education and special attention from the father. he is mepelajari al koran memasa the so small from mu’alim syeh umar bin faraj bin sabah.

in age 17 year he has memorized al koran. then he is by the father is extradited to foremost religious teacher at the time. he can menimba various islam science branch and belief in god.

between guru–guru he, one of them assyayid al habib al qutbi ash burns bin abdul al athas, from teacher one that is him sempat menimba ilmu–il spritual and sophy, he gets do’a special from al habib ash burns al athas, so that he is success reaches degree kewalian fitting. mengantaranya his spritual teacher is fitting is maked mulya al habib sholih bin abdul al athas stream in desert citizen a’mad.

habib abdul ever read al fatihah menghadapan habib sholeh and habib sholeh menalkin al fatihah to it al a’rif billahi al habib ahmad bin muhammad al habsi. when see al habib abdul bin mukhsin at that time still little beliu say really this moppet later be person mulya the position.

in manakib mentioned that al habib abdul bin mukhsin al athas a “ waliyullah” that achieve noble position close to allah the almighty and most worthy of praise. he belongs one of [the] waliyul not counted jasa-jasa in islam development history and class muslims in indonesia. he is a religious teacher “murobi” and leader sophist so that be suri tauladan both for all also evil spirit.

al habib abdul bin mukhsin. bin muhammad. bin abdul. bin muhammad. bin mukhsin. bin husen. bin syeh al pole, al habib umar bin abdurrohman al athas a spritual figure that known vast by all also special. he is “ahli kasaf” and difficult theologian is equaled keluawasan the science, religious service charity total, kemulyaan also the character mind.

in every meeting habib ahmad always give spritual instruction to habib abdul bin mukhsin so that connection between second habib that intertwin very tight. from habib ahmad he is many get difficult spritual benefit to is talked about insides all article short this.

in perjalan the alive habib abdul bin mukhsin al athas ever insert intoes prison by dutch government, may be this experience underscored allah. because, allah wants to give him tall position and near with him. this mischance is ever also undergone by prophet yusuf axis sempat squat in prison for a number of years. but, after out from his prison has been given tall position by administrator mashor that imprison it.

karomah and affability habib abdul

during at prison to keramatan habib abdul bin mukhsin more appearer so that more and more one who come to pay a visit kerpenjaraan. of course that thing amazing prison authorities and the watchman. until they are even also come along to get benediction and benefit from grandeur habib abdul prisoned,

every request and desire visitor submits to habib abdul bin mukhsin always granted allah the almighty and most worthy of praise, watchmans feels to face visitors that visit him they are then propose to prison head so that soon free him. but, when does proposal merawarkan to habib abdul he averse and more like menungu until expiry term of imprisonment.

one night prison door flies open and come to him his grandfather al habib umar bin abdurrohman al athas while says, if you want out from prison out now,  but if you want to bear with so bear with.

he is obvious choose to bear with in prison, in evening that also sayyidina al faqih al muqodam and syeh abdul qodir zaelani with several guardian figures visits him. in chance that sayyidina al faqih al muqodam give a cap. obvious mempagi cap the day still constantly within head al habib abdul while, he comes al faqih al muqodam insides fantasy.

pengujung then arrive kepenjara so that change penjaraan that be house always aimed, he is even also get various kekeratan remarkable remind to return matter that has salaf big like assukran and syeh umar muhdor

between karomah he obtains as that mentioned al habib muhammad bin idrus al ethiopia that habib abdul bin mukhsin al athas when get godsend from allah the almighty and most worthy of praise, he sinks full of allah grandeur, lost with all world connection and sergala its contents. al habib muhammad idrus al also menutur ethiopia, when do i mengujungi habib abdul bin mukhsin al athos in prison i see the appearance very authoritative and he is seen to overlayed by jet illahi. sewaktu he see me he says stanza –bait poem habib abdul al hadad beginning the stanza as follows “ wahaii that visit me at evening cold, when bo more one who menebar natural tendency message, furthermore, word habib muhammad idrus, we are whilst embrace each other and cry, “
karomah another each time he looks at handcuff membelegu the foot, so lepaslah that handcuff.

mentioned also that when prison leadership orders the subordinate to tie up keher habib abdul bin mukhsin so with rante iron so on that chain allah permission looses,  and prison leader alongs with family and the family gets hot ill, doctor not can to cure prison leader disease and that the family, then then aware prison leader that; the disease and that the family disease has been caused because he has hurt al habib that prisoned.

then, prison head pengutus the subordinate to mendo’a, disease at suffer by prison head and that the family is so that recovers so, say habib abdul to that messenger takes handcuff and rante this tie at foot and that prison leader neck, so recover him.

then mengerjakanlah what said by habib abdul, so with allah permission the almighty and most worthy of praise prison leadership disease and the family at the same moment recover. this insident is prison leadership cause more sureer kekeramatan habib abdul mukhsin al athas. sekeluar from his prison lives in jakarta for a number of years.

trip to pond

from source other mentioned, that is arrival beginning beginning habib abdul bin mukhsin al athas to indonesia, in the year 1800 bc, at that time he is commanded by al habibul moslem leader abdul bin ash burns alayidrus, to aim city mekah. and at arrival at city mekah, he carries out sholat and in evening his the day is dream comes apostle may allah bless him and give him peace, i don't know what memimpikannya, clear to the day after he leaves to aim indonesia country.

at arrival in indonesia, he is confronted with al habib ahmad bin hamzah al athas care of mempakojan jakarta and he learns theology from it, then habib ahmad bin hamzah al athas command so that he comes berziarah to habib husen outside stick, from there until his trip is to bogor
he comes to pond without bring anything,

at the (time) of belau come to pond bogor, there mentioned that pond which is on moment that there is no the occupant, but with his science can burn and be bright bright is told, there kekeramatan other happen also when does he middle eat mempinggiran pond, by accident at that moment come to him a citizen bogor and say “ habib, if you genuinely a habib holy, indication to me kekeramatan. .

at that moment by accident habib abdul bin mukhsin al athas middle eat with a fish and that fish is tinggall half again. so habib abdukkah berkata” yaa same anjul ilaman tabis, ” (alas fish if genuinely love to me indication) so on allah permission the almighty and most worthy of praise, at once fish that live half again jump to pond. they say fish half up to now above the ground melaut.

pond holy mosque foundeds around year 1828 m. this mosque opinion is done with habaib and big religious teachers in indonesia. around areal holy mosque found residence house survival habib abdul, now that house is occupied by mosque caliph, habib abdul bin zen al athas. insides house found special room can not just any person enter it, because that room is place khalwat and his recitation. even there found his survival likes bed, stick, gamis and the turban up to now still kept intact.

his books is approximately there 850 books, but existing now is living 100 books, the rest is kept at “jamaturkhair or at rabitoh”. elder brother soil jakarta. one of [the] his essay book is famous “faturrabaniah” they say that book only goes mengalangan big religious teachers,

as to other the essay book “ratibul ahtas and ratibul hadad. ” second that book is routine lesson that is taught every magrib by him to murid-murid memasa he is above the ground, even to child and the grandchild, habib abdul bin mukhsin al athas suggest so that permanent membacanya.

habib abdul bin al athas, a waliyul with the progress distributes islamic religion from one country kenegeri other. at his pond village marrieds a woman keturanan dalem sholawat. from there he gets soil communal ownership enough vast, up to now 85 buildings found at pond village insides the certificate on behalf of al habib abdul bin mukhsin al athas.

during the alive until approach end his the live always reads sholawat prophet every the day is done according to dawam at read as much as thousand times, with book sholawat that known that is “ dala’l khoirot” mean that kindness by allah the almighty and most worthy of praise.

follow manakib, he is called allah the almighty and most worthy of praise on tuesday, 29 zulhijjah 1351 hijriah guarded time midday his corpse is buried the following day wednesday the day after sholat midday. uncounted one who come along mesholat corpse. he is buried at part west mosque denunciateds pond light, before pass away him attacked ill light influenza. Add to Cart View detail

Al - Habib Munzir Bin Fuad Almusawa

geneology/ lineage habib munzir:

munzir bin fuad bin abdurrahman bin ali bin abdurrahman bin ali bin aqil bin ahmad bin abdurrahman bin umar bin abdurrahman bin sulaiman bin yaasin bin ahmad almusawa bin muhammad muqallaf bin ahmad bin abubakar assakran bin abdurrahman assegaf bin muhammad mauladdawi bin ali bin alwi alghayur bin muhammad faqihil muqaddam bin ali bin muhammad shahib marbath bin ali khali qasim bin alwi bin muhammad bin alwi bin ubaidil bin ahmad almuhajir bin jesus arrumiy bin muhammad annaqibm ali al uraidhiy bin jakfar asshadiq bin muhammad albaqir bin ali zainal abidin bin husein from fathimah azahra apostle daughter may allah bless him and give him peace.
al-habib munzir bin fuad al-musawa or more knowledgeable with munzir bin fuad bin abdurrahman almusawa (born at cipanas, west java, 23 februaries 1973; age 38 year - 19 muharram 1393 h) assembly leadership rasulul. he is child fourth from four bersaudara from pair fuad bin abdurrahman al-musawa and rahmah binti hasyim al-musawa. the father nameds fuad that born at palembang and bringed up at mecca. after pass journalism education at new york university, united america, the father then work as a journalist at daily war 'message ago be earth message. his babyhood spent at region cipanas, west java together the brothers and sisters, ramzi, nabiel al-musawa, with lulu musawa. the father passes away year 1996 and buried at cipanas, west java. [1

after he finishes senior high school, he begins to deepen islam sharia science at ma’had assaqafah al habib abdurrahman assegaf at thorn hill jakarta south, then take arabian language course at lpba assalafy jakarta east. he deepens again science syari’ah islamiyah at ma’had al khairat, bekasi east, then sustained to ma’had darul musthafa at pesantren habib umar bin muhammad bin salim bin hafidz bin syech abubakar bin salim at tarim hadhramaut yaman in the year 1994 to deepen area syari'ah during four year. there he deepens science fiqh, interpretation science al koran, science hadits, historical science, unity of god science, science tasawwuf, mahabbaturrasul, religious proselytizing science,  and another sharia science science.

biogari assembly rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace.

name" assembly rasulul. " in this religious proselytizing activities is berawal when hb munzir almusawa graduate from study- at darulmustafa leadership al allamah al habib umar bin hafidh tarim hadramaut, yaman. he returns to jakarta and begin berdakwah in the year 1998 with invite convert and will love prophet may allah bless him and give him peace with that ummat this also will love sunnah,  and make apostle may allah bless him and give him peace as idol.

imagehabib munzir begin berdakwah day and evening from home kerumah at jakarta, he sleeps where merumah-rumah society, even ever he has asleeped at person house porch because unmate has slept and he is not want to wake up them at lateness. after walk approximately six-month, hb munzir begin to open assembly every monday night (mengikuti the teacher trace al habib umar bin hafidz that open assembly minggu-an every evening tuesday),  and he is even also lead ma'had assa'adah, at communal ownership by al habib umar bin hud alattas at cipayung, after one year, munzir not again devolve to lead ma'had and continue the religious proselytizing with support assemblies around jakarta.

hb munzir open monday night assembly from home kerumah, teach fiqh base, but appear ummat less bouncy get the guidance,  and hb munzir then look for because so that this society passionate to peacefulness, leave kemungkaran and love sunnah the prophet may allah bless him and give him peace, so hb munzir change the delivery, he not again discuss troubleshoot fiqih and the complexity, but colour the guidance with noble advices from hadits apostle may allah bless him and give him peace and verse alqur'an with amr ma'ruf nahi munkar,  and then he is memperlengkap the delivery with literature language mempadu with god softness and tafakkur universe creation, all the it at instruct so that society makes apostle may allah bless him and give him peace as idol, so visitor more solider up to he moves assembly from praying room to praying room, then praying room even also not can to accommodate audience more solider, so munzir move the assembly from mosque to mosque according to by turns.

begin to emerge request so that this assembly is given name, hb munzir artlessly answer, " assembly rasulul? " , because really there's nothing talked about besides apostle teachings may allah bless him and give him peace and guide them to love allah and his apostle,  and basically all assemblies taklim assembly rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace. .

imagemajelis more memadat, so munzir take four big mosques by turns every monday night, that is great mosque almunawar pancoran jakarta south, great mosque at godfearing week market jakarta south, great mosque at taubah teak swamp jakarta south,  and ma`had daarul ish pimp. kh. amir hamzah at distended highway kalibata pulo, but because audience more increase, so hb munzir final concentrate this monday night assembly at great mosque almunawar pancoran jakarta south, now this programme is attended to range from 10.000 audience per week, hb munzir also spread area da'wah at several areas jakarta and vinicity, then achieve almost entire java areas, assembly rasulul widespread alongside coast north java and coast south,  and then more spread to balinese, mataram, irian west, even singapore, johor and kualalumpur, such also at stasion stasion private television, even vcd, monthly etc,  and now god favour has blessed assembly rasulul to spread to internet network by the name of originally" website assembly rasulul" .

good allah gives ease favour in hb munzir almusawa to then be khadim the prophet may allah bless him and give him peace, give to him body well-being and spritual,  and always guide it at road at ridhoi allah the almighty and most worthy of praise,  and also give generously great favour in assembly activists rasulul especially,  and all lovers rasulul may allah bless him and give him peace in general, amen.
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