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Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

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Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

Temple Scenery Borobudur

temple borobudur located in magelang, central java, around 40 km from yogyakarta. temple borobudur has 10 levels that consist of 6 rectan formed levels, 3 circle round formed levels and a stupa principal as the top. at every level found several stupa. entire found 72 stupa besides stupa principal. at every stupa found buddhism statue. ten levels describe buddhism philosophy that is ten stages bodhisattva that must be passed to achieve fullness be buddhism at nirvana. this fullness is symbolized by stupa principal at topmost level. structure borobudur when seen from on form field structure that describe buddhism cosmology and human way of thinking.
at fourth temple side found gateway and ladder to level at on it like a pyramid. this matter describes buddhism philosophy that is all lifes comes from stoney. stone then be sand, then be plant, then be insect, then be wild animal, then pet animal,  and latest be human. this process is called as reincarnation. latest process is soul and final step into nirvana. every enlightenment stage in this life process is based on buddhism philosophy is described in relief and statue in entire temples borobudur.
this giant building only shaped giant stone beam stack that has total height 42 meters. every stone is banded without use cement or glue. these stones only is banded based on pattern and congested. part base temple borobudur measure around 118 m in every side. stones that used approximately as much as 55.000 meter cubic. all stones taken from river around temple borobudur. these stones is cut then carried and banded with pattern likes game lego. all without use glue or cement.
while relief begins made after pebbles finished congested and banded. relief found in temple wall. temple borobudur has 2670 different reliefs. this relief is read unidirectional clock needle rotation. this relief describes a story manner read it begun and ended in gateway at eastside. this matter shows that temple main gate borobudur look out on east as common to another buddhism temple.
in this time borobudur appointed as one of [the] world inheritance unesco.

                                    temple scenery burobudur. . .

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Island a Bunaken

      bunaken a island for the width of 8,08 km² at gulf manado, located in north celebes island, indonesia.
this island is part from city manado, city mother provinsi celebes north, indonesia. around island bunaken found sea park bunaken that be part from oceaninc bational park manado old. this sea park has biodiversitas oceaninc one other highest at world. dive scuba interesting many visitors to this island. as a whole sea park bunaken cover area for the width of 75.265 hectare with five islands that reside in depth, that is island manado old, island bunaken, island siladen, island mantehage next several the island childs,  and island naen. although cover area 75.265 hectare, diving location (memving) only limited at each coast that surround fifth that island.

next tour description in a flash bunaken. . .


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Make Fan Page Facebook

tips and trik make fan pages at facebook - facebook we know to be one of [the] site jejaring social very many the fans. many people sign-up at facebook because securities, famous,  and also many fitur addition that can we get freely.

one of them fan pages. fan pages one of [the] media at facebook that can be used as place media" fans we" gather. in meaning other, as place activity fans we. if you a famous, you can make fan pages at facebook.

next the steps sob. . .

yard the example facebook:

1. communities sinarweb: click here

2. facebook company: http: /salay-situs. blogspot. com/

manner makes yard facebook:

1. visit http: /id. facebook. com/pages/create. php

2. write name (title) yard, example: INDONESIA

when does yard without ceremony (communities) write on the left

when does yard resmin write on the right

3. equip yard facebook you:

pair logo, write information at wall, upload photos and after all complete contents invites your friends to clicks to like / like towards yard facebook your communities.

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Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

Video Chat Facebook


    such as those which promise by ceo facebook mark zuckerberg, final 6 julies 2011 yesterday facebook launch fitur the new that is facebook video chat. fitur this be agreement between facebook with internet service skype, now user facebook can mutual bertatap face. although not yet can be enjoyed by all users but there is nothing wrong detect manner begin it very simple. . .

next step - step uses software

1. goto http: /www. facebook. com/videocalling and click on ‘get started’.

2. after finished, facebook will show online list friends we, then we choose one of [the] as friend
for video call.


     3. after you click button on, so if you new first time use it you will be asked to meng-instal plugin facebook video call for your browser.
you don't worry, because plugin this is direct is provided by side facebook, your task only click set up


4. will appear a display box when are you in pursuance of telephone with your friend,  and video
will not walk when friend whom you will call will not answer.
5. opponent speak must get telephone with button “answer call” of course after install plugin video chat.
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Code Emoticon


      facebook chat emoticons pothouse script to display emotion in toolbar chatting at facebook. with existence chatbar emoticon this is you are unnecessary learns code smile ataou emotion at facebook. because facebook chat emoticons pothouse will display picture from emotion.
facebook emotion follow me very help because can display smile so that at the (time) of chat with friend and or darling at facebook can more bring to life existing atmosphere.  and very enthrall at equal mikirin hacking facebook endless, he. . . he. . . .
                                                    next codes emoticon. . . congratulation amuse sob. . .


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Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

change Sail Display facebook

          friend friend has account facebook? if not yet please read manner pilot makes account facebook here. for has account facebook tapibelum know manner changes layout facebook, please read the pilot under this. differ from layout at friendster easy changed colour layout he, fesbook layout he not easy replaced. why? because site fesbook worry if later display layout facebook product ugly the users. but unnecessary worry, now there [are] application fb that can change display layout facebook we. want to know his manner?

pilot changes display facebook (fox dgn collection wallpapper facebook even with background you photo collection)

1. enter/logging to account facebook you,

2. furthermore click this link: app facebook layout.

3. so you memintai what permit applikasi permission, so click “allow”.

4. furthermore will appear display list layout/template facebook
as well as the category of categories beside right. and every category consists of various kind and kind layout ready at choose to facebook you.

5. then choose (select) at picture layout facebook you take a fancy to, then you
held for install layers if never install. after install so layout your choice pair.

such manner replaceds layout facebook,  and later i manner indication will shall change background facebook also sites
providers layout facebook.

                                                   see you memposting furthermore!
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Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Artav Counter Virus

        artav counter virus or free with fitur remarkable. counter this newest local virus that begins at reckon, product a child smp free to download of course. who expecteds that antivirus the reasonable handal this is obvious only children product. but don't think narrow formerly, although that make only a child smp but ability antivirus artav this is caw loses with antivirus lai.
beginning the beginning artav only given in friend and the family. after get self belief final arifal the maker even also determined mepromosika at facebook. obvious that thing be correct step, network social fb make artav more increase the name. until a lot of that do livelihood counters virus artav, free download artav counter virus, .

oke... here's several fitur newest artav which is just at update.

information increasing merectory and condition
increasing time moment scanning
increasing time and uncleaned result in form report
increasing fitur art-message as matter informer that done in artav
increasing fitur art-regfix that is fitur to scanning registry error replace system scan
increasing scan animation

increasing variant virus:

fixed: change gui to black shine
fixed: error musical note responding
fixed: blank frames
fixed: false positive userinit. exe and help. exe
fixed: hide show realtime protection
fixed: separation of the quarantine folder and artav-lock
add: artav updater, for database update or version artav fastest, and detail
add: context menu in art options
add: voice sound
add: database information
add: database virus: -w32/ramnit. autorun
w32/sality. xgenzo
w32/vbs. destroyer
w32/xgen. attribute
w32/pack. boot
w32/trojan. prorat and other – other.

okay that's fitur from artav. that fitur artav newest that is rev 1.3, version in new aja rilis on 26 junes yesterday.  and this has free. if you want premium or advenced also there. but i give this free. if you want to downloaded it please the link in under this:

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           download ccleaner newest version (update). moment browsing internet,  and visit website the developers, obvious merilis newest version. i am cermati fitur the update, obvious many the increasings to make computer has been fast. direct deh play to suck, install to pc, the result really incredible. next fitur new ccleaner v3.05.1409 (04 apr 2011).
i am direct has downloaded ccleaner because one of them fitur support mozilla firefox 4 now i am install at computer. the result so real and so tempt several files registry, temporary and others with ccleaner newest can be cleaned.
don't forget to setting yes, so that kustomisasi programs that made doesn't return to default (original), read article that i posting with title to ccleaner so that fast computer and clean, also there [are] link has downloaded to website ccleaner.
to wholy increasing fitur in ccleaner 3.05.1409 (04 apr 2011) i take away from software developers ccleaner

cleans the following:

internet explorer
google chrome
windows - recycle bin, recent documents, temporary files and logarithm files.
registry cleaner
third-party applications
100% spyware free

the conclusion, visit website ccleaner every three or six-month to detect newest version update, because fitur sure there change then. besides as long as still freeware and free will download lho henceforth i shall not make article again that discuss it if there update yes (who cares: ). sorry and thank you.

                                                                download here

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          winamp application pemutar mp3 popularest, now this software has newest version. of course very fitur new added. and you can download winamp freely,  and can use it freely also. many big sites that recommends to menginstall belong blog this star bro.
winamp newest available to various operating system belongs mac os and newest windows from windows microsoft 7 and even later windows 8. unfortunately still not yet kailable to linux.
there two file choices downloads, that is winamp pros and free, winamp pros of course has fitur more many and impressive than free version. but if only merely twist format in general like mp3 can be done without error. at newest version also there [are] lho facilities itune, so you can download song legally.
this application has many feature, like you can change skin existing, even at windows version 7 you can perfoming song pass taskbar.
besides application free version also divided two that is, winamp with full feature and version lite. well here version lite has feature limited but last for do entertaintment stadart like to watch television or twist mp3, very suited for computer hardware udah ancient.
so there two choices downloads,


Kedua file tersebut adalah versi terbaru dan langsung diambil dari situs, jika anda merasa kedua link diatas broken link. Silahkan kontak melalui komentar area, nanti link winamp akan segera diperbaiki.
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Adobe Reader

return again here we are to discussion downloads adobe reader and want system likes to what sih so that this program works well and safe

• intel® 1.3ghz or faster processor

• microsoft® windows® xp home, professional, or tablet pc edition with service pack 3 (32 beet)s or service pack 2 (64 beet)s; windows server® 2003 (with service pack 2 for 64 beets; windows server® 2008 (32 beets and 64 beet)s; server windows 2008 r2 (32 beets and 64 beet s; windows vista® home basic, home premium, business, ultimate, or enterprise with service pack 2 (32 beets and 64 beet)s; windows microsoft 7 or windows 7 with service pack 1 starter, home premium, professional, ultimate, or enterprise (32 beets and 64 beet)
• 256mb of louvre (512mb recommended)

• 260mb of available hard-disk space

• 1024x576 screen resolution

• internet explorer 7, 8 or 9, firefox 3.5, 3.6 or 4, chrome 9.0

• video hardware acceleration (optional)

that is system at require to make to run program adobe reader, friend can direct download to pass link hereunder.


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Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Gom Player

         download video from site penyedia online video really fun. but sometimes we are difficulty to twist result downloads shaped file flv because not all player multimedia softwares supports file type flv like result downloads youtube and also file kind 3gp we can from result download also we upload from our handphone.
one of [the] free player multimedia software enough powerful in this time gom player merilis by gom lab. although berbandrol freeware alias goods gretongan, this software has fitur enough complete and memadai.

fitur new gom player:

codec finder

gom newest player includes many codec (xvid, memvx, flv1, ac3, ogg, mp4, h263 and many again) so that you are unnecessary installs codec apart for video most. for the man who want video codec apart, gom player will find one and aim you to a where you men-download version open source codec. that way, you will not trapped with codec unnecessary in your system.

play broken avi files (patent)ed

avi newest file can not if index brokens,  or if file not thoroughly downloaded. this matter is because index lays in to end file. technology that patented gom player makes user to see file with index brokens or is stilling being downloaded.
powerfull subtitle support

gom player supports smi, srt, rt, sub (with bei) file for sub-title. you can determine margin, location, size, resolution, font and others. you also can activate shadow, see file asf with subtitle, karaoke subtitle fashion. you even can menyinkron subtitle and video if there incompatibility whatevers.

pleasant playlist

if you run video file and there [are] file by the name of same at directory, so automatically be added to your roll list. gom has format same like playlist m3u, pls, asx and you also can put into and edit different media format at playlist also. very easy to make and edit playlist your multimedia self with gom player.

support differ media kind

along with different media format likes avi, mpg, mpeg and dat, gom also support streaming format media windows (wmv, asf, asx). you also can watch video have a certain quality dvd with 5.1 channel audio output.

screen capture

screen capture make possible you to take screenshot your video is direct from gom player. use fitur burst capture, you can take screenshot then rise up to 999 shootings.

fitur continuation

there many fitur sophisticated newest unlimited. accustom brightness, contrast and saturasi. exacerbate and add voice to your video. try equalizer audio. repeat your video part with fitur repeats us ab. progress / retreat several second use left / right button. and many again for you to menycove

don't forget to see gom player minimum system requirements before download here software ok!

                                              please download gom bewest edition player hereunder:

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